First Investment was done! 第一回目の投資を行いました

AS-Accelerator proubly announce that we made our first investment deal.

We invested in Tupac Bio inc., a start-up firm for DNA bioinformatic and tech space.

Bio tech field is rapidly growing and many investors are involved in this market now in the U.S.

In japan, Biotech venture investment is still in the early stage, but we are sure it will grow rapidly.

We are proud of making this collaboration with Tupac Bio.

Hiro Watatani will be a member of advisory board in tupac bio.



投資先のTupac BioはDNAを中心としたBIO TECH関連のスタートアップです。



我々の代表者の綿谷浩明もTupac BIOのアドバイザリーボードとなることも決定しており、今後ますますのコラボレーションと発展が期待されます!

Tupac Bio Inc.