Start-up Event in Japan
English following
経産省主催 CONNECT 日本ベンチャー大賞
フランス大使館主催 FRENCH TECH
こちらはフランス大使館が企画しORANGEとサムライインキュベーションが主催したイベントで、今年半ばにパリで行われるHacking de l’Hotel de Villeというビジネスアイディコンテストの日本選考会がメインでした。受賞者は3チームでこちらにはパリへの往復航空券と渡航費がサポートされました。イルドフランス県知事やパリ市長も登壇しスピーチ。小さい会場だったので、かなり至近距離で知事や市長と交流できるイベントでした。参加チームも日本と海外が半数ずつと国際色豊かなイベントでした。
3月23日に白金台の八芳園で行われた、オーストリア発祥のヨーロッパ最大級のスタートアップイベント。参加者はかなり多く、日本国内のみならず、ヨーロッパやアジアからわざわざこのイベントにやってくるほどの盛況ぶり。演出やショウアップの仕方もうまく、盛り上がるイベントでした。ただ参加費が少々高いのがネック。来年以降も日本に来てくれると楽しいと思います。90秒ピッチ大会や5分のピッチによるPIONEER CHALLENGEなどいわゆるピッチイベントも充実しており、最後にはPIONEER ASIA CHALLENGE大賞が発表されました。WHILLという未来型車いすを開発しているチームが野村賞・大賞とも獲得しダブルタイトルを達成しました。
There are several events for start-ups in this year. I participated some of them. I jot down some memo about that.
Japanese government, ministry of economy, trade, and industry, organize an award for venture firms. This year, PEPTIDREAM INC got the award. They developed synthetic peptide for bio pharma. It is based on tech from Tokyo University.
There are many collaboration between academia and venture firm or develop seeds from university lab. Now, many Japanese Universities are looking for chance to sprout their seed idea to business.
Because of METI, it seems like more domestic atmosphere. Only Japanese VCs joined, so supported start-ups are also Japanese start-up.
French embassy organized event French tech in SAMURAI START-UP ISLAND in TENNOZU AILE. It is regional qualify of Hacking l’Hotel de Ville. It is a ideason event in Paris. Il de France province and Paris city supported this event in paris. Now, France tries to enhance start-up in France. especially, they try to make cluster of start-ups in greater Paris area.
Mayer of Paris and Governor of Il de France had a speech there. It was small event, so you can talk to those governers easily. 3 Teams got awards to visit Paris for Hacking l’Hotel de Ville.
Participants are mostly french or foreigners.
Austrian star-up event struck on Japan first time. The event was held at Hoppoen, Shiroganedai, it is japanese traditional garden and wedding house. Mixed with traditional and new tech in the place. Participants are not only Japanese but also a lots of foreigners from Asia pacific and Europe.
Event itself was brilliant. Good show on stage and well furnished. Hospitality is also nice, participants can get free food, coffee, beer and some alcoholic beverages. However, entrance fee is bit higher.
There are 90 seconds pitch and 5 minutes pitch for POINEER ASIA CHALLENGE. WHILL, a japanese wheel chair venture firm, got two awards. Nomura award and PIONEER ASIA CHALLENGE winner.